發佈時間 | | 2022-07-18 01:25:00 |
暑假旺季到了,小朋友要放電,大人要放鬆,剛好政府為了促進國民旅遊,提供了悠遊國旅補助讓大家玩過癮玩盡興 !
補助分為三大類,團體旅遊補助 / 個別自由行住宿補助 / 遊樂園 !
(一)團體旅遊補助 (限本國籍不限次數)
憑住宿跟交通可以申請每團NT 20,000元,符合加碼條件則最高補助NT 30,000。
1. 兩天一夜(放假日不超過1天,依照行政院人事行政總處公告),三天兩夜(放假日最多2天)
2. 住宿跟交通都要合法登記並開立收據。合法旅宿可以查看 臺灣旅宿網-首頁 (taiwanstay.net.tw)
3. 符合補助規定的景點行程安排。
1. 旅遊日為星期一~四(不含放假日)
2. 三天兩夜以上(不含放假日)
3. 入住星級旅館, 需在臺灣旅宿網-首頁 (taiwanstay.net.tw) 有登錄星級。
要看哪家住宿有參與住宿補助可以查看, 悠遊國旅個別旅客住宿優惠活動 (tbroc.gov.tw)
基本條件補助NT 800元要注意的是:
1. 僅平日星期日~四可以使用。
2. 須有登錄在 臺灣旅宿網-首頁 (taiwanstay.net.tw) 及 有申請參加活動悠遊國旅個別旅客住宿優惠活動 (tbroc.gov.tw) 的住宿。
加碼補助 NT 500元:
2.或使用優惠 旅客本人完整接種三劑疫苗。
使用遊樂園補助,無限制 國籍(外籍人士ok) 及年齡及補助次數(常常去玩) 喔!
2.遊客可於入園前14日始至預約網站 悠遊國旅-3折遊樂園 (taiwan.net.tw) ,填寫代表人姓名、身份證字號、電 話、入園人數及對應票種,
預定完成立即取得電子憑證,電子憑 證可經截圖或儲存、下載 PDF 檔案列印,於預約入園當日持憑 證至櫃檯付款 (預約資訊依個資法規定辦理) 。
4.記得帶證件驗證,學生票、學童票、幼童票、博愛票、鄉親票、敬老票、半票、優 待票等須符合年齡、身份之票種,須依各園區規定出示相關證件。
這樣有更清楚如何使用補助嗎? 如果還有疑問歡迎 加line @wgd2806v 或撥 07-2853908 問我們喔~
Category | | 宣傳推廣 |
歡迎蒞臨「金建旅行社 官方網站」(以下簡稱「本站」或「我們」),為了讓使用者能夠安心使用本站的各項服務與資訊,特此說明本站的隱私權保護政策,以保障使用者權益,請詳閱下列內容:
六、關於一般資料保護規則(GDPR,General Data Protection Regulation)及一般資料保護法案(LGPD,Lei Geral de Proteção de Dados)
(本契約審閱期間一日, 年 月 日由甲方攜回審閱)
旅客姓名: (以下稱甲方)
旅行社名稱:金建旅行社股份有限公司 (以下稱乙方)
甲方應於民國 年月 日時 分準時集合出發。甲方未準時到達致無法出發時,亦未能中途加入旅遊者,視為甲方解除契約,乙方得依第十一條之規定處理。
旅遊費用共:新台幣元 ,甲方應依下列約定繳付:
一、簽訂本契約時,甲方應繳付定金新台幣 雙方約定 元。
出發前,本旅遊所前往旅遊地區之一,有事實足認危害旅客生命、身體、健康、財產安全之虞者,得準用前條之規定。但解除之一方,應另按旅遊費用百分之3% 補償他方(不得超過百分之五)。
前項協議事項,如有變更本契約其他條款之規定,除經交通部觀光署核准,其約定 無效,但有利於甲方者,不在此限。
住 址:
乙方 (公司名稱): 金建旅行社股份有限公司
註冊編號: 526800
負 責 人: 蔡佩恩
住 址:高雄市小港區光盛街42號
電話或電傳: 07-8063115
簽約日期:中華民國 年 月 日 (如未記載以交付訂金日為簽約日期)
簽約地點: (如未記載以甲方住所地為簽約地)
Individualized Contracts for Domestic Tours
As amended in guanyezi letter number 1123002067 Dated Sep .8 , and shall become effective on Sep .15 , 2023.
(The review period for this contract is at least one day. Party A took the contract on ______ to review.)
Parties to the contract
Name of tourist (hereinafter referred to as Party A)
Name of travel agency Golden Founders Travel Services Corp.(hereinafter referred to as Party B)
Parties A and B agree to conduct this tour according to the following articles:
1. (The meaning of a domestic tour)
“Domestic tour” as used in this contract means travels in Taiwan, Penghu, Kinmen, Mazu, and other free areas within the territory of our nation.
2. (Definition and content of an individualized tour)
An individualized tour in this contract refers to an arrangement where either Party A asks Party B to arrange domestic transportation, lodging, and a tour or Party A signs up for an individualized tour product for which Party B arranges transportation, lodging, and a tour.
3. (Predefined locations of sightseeing, transportation, and lodging details)
The details of transportation, lodging, and sightseeing itinerary of this tour are specified in the attached files. The preceding item may be substituted with a published advertisement or brochure, which are considered part of this contract. If they show “for information only”, such wording is void.
4. (Time and location for assembly and departure)
Party A shall show up on Refer to detailed qoute hour Refer to detailed qoute day at Refer to detailed qoute to assemble and depart. If the failure of Party A to show up at the specified time and location prevents Party A from departing, and Party A does not join the tour midway, Party A is considered to have arbitrarily cancelled the contract, and Party B, according to article 11.
5. (Cost of tour and what it covers)
Cost of the tour: Refer to detailed qoute. Party A agrees to pay this amount as follows:
1. At the time of signing this contract, Party A shall pay a deposit of NT$.Refer to detailed qoute.
2. The balance shall be paid in full ten days before departure.
The cost of the tour that Party A pays according to the preceding item shall include the costs of transportation, lodging, and tour itinerary, and any other items that both parties may have agreed to separately.
6. (The consequences when a tourist fails to pay travel expenses)
If Party A tourists fails to pay travel expenses for reasons attributable to Party A, Party B may terminate the contract directly and confiscate the deposit that Party A has made. If Party A fails to comply within the period given, Party B may terminate the contract. The amount such tourists are held liable to compensate the travel agency shall be determined according to Article 12. Party B may also request compensation for other damages incurred.
7. (Tourists’ obligation to cooperate)
If certain undertakings by Party A are required for a journey to proceed, and Party A fails to comply, Party B may urge Party A to perform such undertakings within a given period. If Party A fails to comply within the period given, Party B may terminate the contract as well as request compensation for damages thus incurred.
8. (Mandatory insurance)
Party B shall purchase liability insurance and a performance bond per the regulations of the competent authorities. If Party B has failed to procure said insurance as required in the above item and if an accident occurs or Party B cannot perform its obligations, Party B shall pay to Party A three times the minimum insurance amount that the competent agency has established.
9. (Tour cancelled due to causes attributable to the travel agency)
If a journey is cancelled due to causes attributable to Party B, Party B shall notify Party A, and explain the causes. If Party B fails notify Party A, Party B shall compensate Party A with a breach-of-contract fine calculated in accordance with the total travel expenses.
In the event that Party B has notified Party A as described in Paragraph 1, Party B shall calculate the breach-of-contract fine based on the duration between the time Party A was notified and the date of departure according to the following regulations:
1. The fine shall be 10% of the travel expenses when the cancellation notice arrives 21 days to 30 days before the scheduled day of departure.
2. The fine shall be 20% of the travel expenses when the cancellation notice arrives 11 days to 20 days before the scheduled day of departure.
3. The fine shall be 30% of the travel expenses when the cancellation notice arrives 4 days to 10 days before the scheduled day of departure.
4. The fine shall be 70% of the travel expenses when the cancellation notice arrives one day to three days before the scheduled day of departure.
5. The fine shall be 100% of the travel expenses when the cancellation notice arrives after the scheduled day of departure. If Party A is able to prove that their damages have exceeded the standards prescribed in the preceding section, Party A may request Party B to compensate them for the actual damages.
10. (The realization of tour itinerary and exceptions)
Party B shall carry out all lodging, transportation, and itinerary arrangements according to the contract, which Party B may not alter. This restriction does not apply if Party A requests changes and Party B agrees to the request. Party A shall be responsible for any additional expenses that may ensue.
Unless in situations specified in Articles 12 or 14 of this contract, Party B may not for any reason change the terms agreed upon. If Party B does not provide food, lodging, transportation, etc. at the level specified in this contract, Party A may demand damages in the amount of 200% of the difference as a fine for breaching the contract.
11. (Arbitrary contract cancellation by tourists before departure)
Party A may notify Party B that Party A wishes to cancel this contract before the tour begins, but Party A agrees to pay all expenses for papers and documents and compensate Party B in accordance with the following criteria.
1. The fine shall be 10% of the travel expenses when the cancellation notice arrives 21 days to 30 days before the scheduled day of departure.
2. The fine shall be 20% of the travel expenses when the cancellation notice arrives 11 days to 20 days before the scheduled day of departure.
3. The fine shall be 30% of the travel expenses when the cancellation notice arrives 4 days to 10 days before the scheduled day of departure.
4. The fine shall be 70% of the travel expenses when the cancellation notice arrives one day to three days before the scheduled day of departure.
5. The fine shall be 100% of the travel expenses when the cancellation notice arrives after the scheduled day of departure.
If Party B is able to prove the damages incurred exceed the standards specified above, Party B, it may request for compensation for the actual damages
12. (Contract termination for legal reasons before departure)
If part of or the entire contract cannot be fulfilled as a consequence of force majeure or causes not attributable to either party to the contract, either party may terminate the contract in whole or in part without being subject to liability for compensation.
Party B shall deduct fees already paid on behalf of Party A or all expenses already paid to fulfill the contract and return the remaining amount to Party A.
Either party who is aware that the journey cannot happen shall notify the other party and also explain the reasons. Either party who fails to notify the other as a result of negligence shall be held liable for compensation.
To protect the safety and interests of a tour group, Party B shall take necessary measures advantageous to the tour group after terminating the contract, which Party A may decline. The expenses thus incurred shall be borne by Party A.
12-1. (Contract termination to avoid risks after objective assessment before departure)
Before departure, if there is evidence to conclude that traveling to any of the destinations is likely to endanger the life, health or property of the tourists of the group, the regulation in the preceding item may be applicable. However, the party canceling the contract shall compensate the other with 3 % (no more than 5%) of the total travel expenses.
13. (Arbitrary contract termination by tourists after departure)
Party A who leaves the tour group in the middle of the journey after departure or who is unable to take part in the tour activities that Party B has arranged may not request Party B to return the travel expenses. When Party B is able to reduce on expenses or need not pay certain expenses after Party A withdraws from the journey as described in the preceding paragraph, Party B shall return the difference to Party A
14. (Changes to the itinerary, food, lodging, and tour items in the middle of the tour)
When Party A participates in the tour activities that Party B has arranged, if force majeure or causes not attributable to Party B happen during a journey and the scheduled itineraries, transportation, accommodation or sightseeing cannot be fulfilled, Party B, as a prudent administrator, shall extend necessary assistance.
15. (Responsibility and assistance)
If during the tour, Party A is injured while riding on public transportation such as an airplane, steamboat, train, mass rapid transit, or cable car due to causes not attributable to Party B, the respective service provider shall be responsible directly to Party A. But Party B, as a prudent administrator, shall assist Party A in dealing with the situation.
16. (Other items agreed upon)
Parties A and B agree to abide by the following: 1,_____________________________ 2,_____________________________
If the item(s) agreed upon in the preceding item alter(s) other articles of this contract, unless approved by the Tourism Administration, Ministry of Transportation and Communications, those articles shall become void, excluding those that favor Party A.
Parties signing this contract
Party A:
Residence address:
Identification number (unified number):
Telephone or fax:
Party B (Name of company): Golden Founders Travel Services Corp.
Registration number: 526800
Company representative: Tsai- Pey En
Address: No. 42, Guangsheng St., Xiaogang Dist., Kaohsiung City 812 , Taiwan (R.O.C.)
Telephone or fax: +886-7-8063115
Counter signed by the travel agency assigned by Party B (leave this item blank if this contract is signed with a tourist by a consolidated travel agency or a Class-A travel agency that forms its own tour groups)
Name of company:
Registration number:
Company representative:
Telephone or fax:
Date the contract is signed: ___________ (If left blank, the date of the first payment is the date of contract signing.)
location where the contract is signed: Kaohsiung, Taiwan (If left blank, the residence address of Party A is the location where the contract is signed.)